miCricketCoach Chat about coaching, fitness, drills, skills and mental training
23 Dec 08 at 14:35
Posts: 137
Joined: 15 Oct 08
What is your cricket ambition (for 2009)?
I wnated to continue this page on what is your cricket ambition for 2008
So, what do you want to achieve in 2009 and how do you plan to do it?
Post it on this forum to let everybody know (and maybe help you out).
23 Dec 08 at 14:39
Posts: 137
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Here are my ambitions for 2009:
- Get selected in the MRF pace academy
- Get the man of the series in U13 super TERI league
- Be a part of (the winning) U14 team in the TERI cup
what are your ambitions? post them here
23 Dec 08 at 17:44
Ben B (not verified)
My Targets batting wise;
1) Nothing under 15
2) Score at run a ball at least
3) Always bat at least 8 overs
4) More quick singles and generally better running
5) 120 runs
23 Dec 08 at 20:15
James M (not verified)
I open the batting in 45 over games for a club side
I tend not to set outcome goals as opposition performance, weather, pitch etc can play a factor in the amount of runs i score and to fail to reach a goal by external control can lead to feeling out of control which has a negative impact on performance
My goals
Improve self confidence by adhering to weight training reigeime and the use of self talk when batting
This will help to:
-reduce throwing my wicket away
-if there is a period where i am tied down i will do my upmost not to succumb to the pressure of opposition/teamates waiting to bat
-stay positive
Playing spin-big problem last year
-Focus training sessions on playing spin
-look at my scoring options-usually get out when i have been tied down and play a stupid shot
-develop a game plan for spin i.e.45 over game look to nurdle if field is out till 30 overs(if field is out)
field in look to use my feet hit over the top
-work on sweep shot-when to play it-slog or paddle etc it is a shot i am good at but i don't practise it much
-i can use this training a part of my self talk when batting for example 'i am trained and ready' 'i am good' 'i am legend'
05 Jan 09 at 15:05
David Hinchliffe
Posts: 5540
Joined: 06 Mar 18
Great focus James. Good luck and keep us posted.
05 Jan 09 at 17:48
Posts: 96
Joined: 11 Dec 08
Good luck James. If you sweep well then a very simple plan to play spin is to sweep and drive and block or work what's in-between. Spinners don't like being swept in my opinion, so they always try and pitch it up which then provides driving opportunities. Obviously this works for a normal wicket and you need to have a different one for turning wickets and bouncy wickets where these shots are risky but still, it's a start!
Hope it goes well.
09 Jan 09 at 19:35
Chris Kimberley (not verified)
Currently up and down order in 2nd team, scored most of my runs at number 3. Would like a consistent season at top of the order if the captain will give me a good run. And then look at pushing to open or go number 3 in first team. Only opened 5 times in seconds last year and didnt really get any runs, got 250 from 7 innings opening year before! Had a good season in 20 overs games my scores were 22, 49, 35*, 27, 32, 25 so would like to go on and get some bigger scores next season.
We have a spare opening place and number 3 spot in first team so would love to nail down one of those spots. People say i am good enough to do it but 2nd team captain reckons i just need a bit more confidence in my own abilities.
13 Jan 09 at 18:35
Posts: 35
Joined: 11 Jan 09
well i have a simple goal...since i am new to helsinki..and also no to real proper club cricket and all..
i just want to cement my place in the team...and show them my talent ..i want to bat with a good technique....
my dream is to play for India someday...which seems impossible at the moment..but who cares...its a dream
15 Jan 09 at 11:44
Posts: 19
Joined: 15 Jan 09
Nah man Vishal! We just gotta Work harder on both our cricket and fitness. Den u'll see. We've got the talent.
Anyways, I am in Beijng and im in the Beijing Cricket Club. The only cric club in Beijing. I am the youngest and one of the fastest bowlers in the team. B4 the season starts i wanna be the fastest bowler in the whole club and dats wat im working on. And also my batting. Im a good batsmen wen playing wid a tennis ball and also with a leather ball but the thing is that the bowlers dt i face in my club are FAST! a bit faster dan me. And deyr good bowlers. so yea i have difficulties playin dem but wanna improve on dat.
15 Jan 09 at 14:45
Posts: 295
Joined: 29 Jan 23
Wow, welcome Warunaboy, Cricket in China, hey? We'd love to hear about it: you should start a thread
15 Jan 09 at 16:44
Posts: 35
Joined: 11 Jan 09
yup varun...we will reach our targets someday!
@ admin...yea he should...i was also in china before this....
18 Jan 09 at 04:34
Posts: 19
Joined: 15 Jan 09
Hey admin. I love this site like crazy. wow all d details u hav put in here. i can relly improve my cricket frm here. Yea cricket in China!!! ill try to start a new thread. damn d cricket players here are GOOD! playin wid dem will giv me a hell lotta experience.
18 Jan 09 at 04:34
Posts: 19
Joined: 15 Jan 09
Hey admin. I love this site like crazy. wow all d details u hav put in here. i can relly improve my cricket frm here. Yea cricket in China!!! ill try to start a new thread. damn d cricket players here are GOOD! playin wid dem will giv me a hell lotta experience.
20 Jan 09 at 18:09
Posts: 4
Joined: 05 Dec 08
My goals & ambitions:
1) Take atleast 50 wickets
2) play most my cricket in 1st team (currently in and out)
3) live life within a strict cricket routine
4) score atleast 500 1st team league runs
5) Build up some muscles by training hard within a regular ser routine
6) build up my confidence by doing activities like yoga, weight training,etc
7) Push for the middlesex 2ndXI trials Go to india and try my luck n skills over there
9) Get more fitter and agile
10) train for atleast 700 hours throughout the year
21 Jun 09 at 00:44
dean (not verified)
victor are u sure youre going to get all your goals. what were youre stats last year.
01 Sep 09 at 13:04
Posts: 2
Joined: 01 Sep 09
My 2009 goals
- Get 25 wickets in the season
- Get my first 50
- Get an overall runs tally of 125
- Have the best economy rate in the team (which will be a massive problem )
01 Sep 09 at 21:27
Dean (not verified)
OUTCOME: Be in the top 10 in REP batting rankings and bowling rankings
PERFORMANCE: In the 14 club games score 3 tons in club and 3 half centuries, also take 3 five fers and 5 three fers. In the five REP matches score over 30 every game and 2 half centuries. Get a bag of 5 wickets in game and 2 three fers.
PROCESS: Grind it out and bat a long time, play straight, watch ball and be relaxed. Bowl consistent lengths (off stump), look past the batsmen and bang the ball in.
HOW/WHAT: Follow yearly training program, eat well, 8 hours min of sleep, coffee before training/games, recovery, back myself for anything I do, and never give in.
Posts: 137
Here are my ambitions for 2009:
- Get selected in the MRF pace academy
- Get the man of the series in U13 super TERI league
- Be a part of (the winning) U14 team in the TERI cup
what are your ambitions? post them here
My Targets batting wise;
1) Nothing under 15
2) Score at run a ball at least
3) Always bat at least 8 overs
4) More quick singles and generally better running
5) 120 runs
I open the batting in 45 over games for a club side
I tend not to set outcome goals as opposition performance, weather, pitch etc can play a factor in the amount of runs i score and to fail to reach a goal by external control can lead to feeling out of control which has a negative impact on performance
My goals
Improve self confidence by adhering to weight training reigeime and the use of self talk when batting
This will help to:
-reduce throwing my wicket away
-if there is a period where i am tied down i will do my upmost not to succumb to the pressure of opposition/teamates waiting to bat
-stay positive
Playing spin-big problem last year
-Focus training sessions on playing spin
-look at my scoring options-usually get out when i have been tied down and play a stupid shot
-develop a game plan for spin i.e.45 over game look to nurdle if field is out till 30 overs(if field is out)
field in look to use my feet hit over the top
-work on sweep shot-when to play it-slog or paddle etc it is a shot i am good at but i don't practise it much
-i can use this training a part of my self talk when batting for example 'i am trained and ready' 'i am good' 'i am legend'
Posts: 5540
Great focus James. Good luck and keep us posted.
Posts: 96
Good luck James. If you sweep well then a very simple plan to play spin is to sweep and drive and block or work what's in-between. Spinners don't like being swept in my opinion, so they always try and pitch it up which then provides driving opportunities. Obviously this works for a normal wicket and you need to have a different one for turning wickets and bouncy wickets where these shots are risky but still, it's a start!
Hope it goes well.
Currently up and down order in 2nd team, scored most of my runs at number 3. Would like a consistent season at top of the order if the captain will give me a good run. And then look at pushing to open or go number 3 in first team. Only opened 5 times in seconds last year and didnt really get any runs, got 250 from 7 innings opening year before! Had a good season in 20 overs games my scores were 22, 49, 35*, 27, 32, 25 so would like to go on and get some bigger scores next season.
We have a spare opening place and number 3 spot in first team so would love to nail down one of those spots. People say i am good enough to do it but 2nd team captain reckons i just need a bit more confidence in my own abilities.
Posts: 35
well i have a simple goal...since i am new to helsinki..and also no to real proper club cricket and all..
i just want to cement my place in the team...and show them my talent
..i want to bat with a good technique....
my dream is to play for India someday...which seems impossible at the moment..but who cares...its a dream
Posts: 19
Nah man Vishal! We just gotta Work harder on both our cricket and fitness. Den u'll see. We've got the talent.
Anyways, I am in Beijng and im in the Beijing Cricket Club. The only cric club in Beijing. I am the youngest and one of the fastest bowlers in the team. B4 the season starts i wanna be the fastest bowler in the whole club and dats wat im working on. And also my batting. Im a good batsmen wen playing wid a tennis ball and also with a leather ball but the thing is that the bowlers dt i face in my club are FAST! a bit faster dan me. And deyr good bowlers. so yea i have difficulties playin dem but wanna improve on dat.
Posts: 295
Wow, welcome Warunaboy, Cricket in China, hey? We'd love to hear about it: you should start a thread
Posts: 35
yup varun...we will reach our targets someday!
@ admin...yea he should...i was also in china before this....
Posts: 19
Hey admin. I love this site like crazy. wow all d details u hav put in here. i can relly improve my cricket frm here. Yea cricket in China!!! ill try to start a new thread. damn d cricket players here are GOOD! playin wid dem will giv me a hell lotta experience.
Posts: 19
Hey admin. I love this site like crazy. wow all d details u hav put in here. i can relly improve my cricket frm here. Yea cricket in China!!! ill try to start a new thread. damn d cricket players here are GOOD! playin wid dem will giv me a hell lotta experience.
Posts: 4
My goals & ambitions:
Go to india and try my luck n skills over there
1) Take atleast 50 wickets
2) play most my cricket in 1st team (currently in and out)
3) live life within a strict cricket routine
4) score atleast 500 1st team league runs
5) Build up some muscles by training hard within a regular ser routine
6) build up my confidence by doing activities like yoga, weight training,etc
7) Push for the middlesex 2ndXI trials
9) Get more fitter and agile
10) train for atleast 700 hours throughout the year
victor are u sure youre going to get all your goals. what were youre stats last year.
Posts: 2
My 2009 goals
- Get 25 wickets in the season
- Get my first 50
- Get an overall runs tally of 125
- Have the best economy rate in the team (which will be a massive problem
OUTCOME: Be in the top 10 in REP batting rankings and bowling rankings
PERFORMANCE: In the 14 club games score 3 tons in club and 3 half centuries, also take 3 five fers and 5 three fers. In the five REP matches score over 30 every game and 2 half centuries. Get a bag of 5 wickets in game and 2 three fers.
PROCESS: Grind it out and bat a long time, play straight, watch ball and be relaxed. Bowl consistent lengths (off stump), look past the batsmen and bang the ball in.
HOW/WHAT: Follow yearly training program, eat well, 8 hours min of sleep, coffee before training/games, recovery, back myself for anything I do, and never give in.