Improve your cricket at PitchVision Academy with new courses
As you know, PitchVision Academy is the place to go for detailed online coaching advice from the best coaches in the world.
Gary Palmer's Batting Tips
As you know, Gary Palmer is a friend of PitchVision Academy. He is the official batting coach of PitchVision Academy, runs the highly successful CCM Academy and contributes all kinds of free stuff to PitchVision Academy readers.
Why you are not improving as a cricketer (and what to do about it)

You have been playing for a while now and you have the basics down. Net sessions go well but when you get out into the middle you stall. Runs and wickets somehow seem hard to come by and you have no idea why.
6 Ways to get the most from your cricket team meetings
When done wrong, team meetings are a waste of time. I know. I spent years working in a big company who had the ability to make meetings about meetings last for hours for no reason.
So if you are going to have one make the most of it by doing it right. It's only respectful of the player's time.
Is football a good warm up for cricketers?
As we are sport-loving types at my cricket club so there is normally a football being kicked around the outfield by a couple of players on the morning of a match. As we are competitive types too, this gentle kickabout tends to become a game with jumpers for goalposts, sliding tackles and elaborate diving in the box.
It might be fun, but is it a suitable way to warm up before a cricket game?
Cricket Show 46: Laws and umpiring
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miCricketCoach - PitchVision miCricketCoach Show 046.mp3 | 20.25 MB |
David and Kevin scratch their heads over this week's theme of umpiring. Many times club players find themselves having to umpire games and a good understanding of the Laws is important but how many of us can say we really know what we are doing?
Ian Pont is also back with his regular fast bowling segment and we look at some unusual situations in the questions section. The questions include:
Laws of Cricket: Non striker out of his ground and encroachment
This edition of Laws of Cricket, in association with the International Institute of Cricket Umpiring and Scoring, covers some more tricky questions of the Laws.
Classic bowling dismissals: Seam
This article is part of the 'Classic bowling dismissals' series. To go to the start, click here.
It's ironic that that best English-style seamer of modern times has been an Australian: Glen McGrath. As a model to copy, there are few better examples of a classic seamer than 'Pigeon'.
How a step up in intensity can win you the league
Cricket is a game of the mind as much as the body. Emotions have a direct effect on your game. If you know how to tap into the right intensity you could end up winning the league with your team like mine did this season.
It was the last game of the season. We were top of the table by the smallest margin. We needed a win to be sure of gaining the league title. The team in second were unbeaten and unlikely to cave in at this late stage.
Cricket Show 45: Fielding and wicketkeeping
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miCricketCoach - PitchVision miCricketCoach Show 045.mp3 | 22.41 MB |
In a subject close to David's heart, this week's show is about fielding and wicketkeeping. Ian Pont answers a fast bowling question and David tells us about his Championship winning match.
Questions this week include: