Pre-Season Countdown to Summer | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Pre-Season Countdown to Summer

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Welcome to Countdown to Summer - Your Guide to Perfect Preseason Preparation


How you prepare before the season begins directly effects how you play during the season. A perfect preseason will get you ready for action physically, mentally and technically.

  • Improving your strength, speed, power and flexibility.
  • Learning new techniques and grooving old ones to perfection.
  • Setting effective goals and getting mentally tougher.
  • Maximising your training time at nets and practice.

Plus you have access to free updates in the exclusive preseason email newsletter.

Make yourself at home and have a look around. There is plenty to see and do. Good luck in your preparation and planning for the season!

David Hinchliffe - Director of Coaching, PitchVision Academy

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Featured Article

Free cricket test that makes nets more realistic

 We all know how important fitness is to cricket, but nets don’t realistically recreate the fitness you need to get a big score.

That’s where BATEX© (BATing EXercise) comes in.

Normal netting rarely tests batsmen's endurance. It doesn't accurately reflect the effects of fatigue on the batsman's skill levels. But BATEX does exactly that.

Designed as part of PhD research by Laurence Houghton, BATEX uses a simple audio track to change nets to simulate the physical demands of batting. This is done by BATEX requiring running between the wickets of shuttle runs the length of a cricket pitch in 5 over stages (lasting 21 minutes).

You can download a sample of the file from here to play in your nets. Ad you can buy the full set from this page.

Each of the six BATEX stages has a match scenario. Balls are delivered by a bowling machine (or thrown by a coach/player). An audible CD track is used to notify the batsmen the running demands for the coming over. The batsman decides when to complete the required runs in the over.

The six stages, with rest periods, link together to form a 2 h 20 min simulated innings, which is the typical length of a one day hundred. During stages 1, 3 and 5 players run at a slower pace, whereas during stages 2, 4 and 6 the batsman is required to run at maximal speed.

For training purposes, BATEX stages can be used independently or in any chosen combination. Each BATEX stage has a different workload (e.g. Stage 1 - based on the run frequency of typical one day vs. Stage 5 – based on the average running between demands of a Twenty20 innings).

The files can be used to:

  • Give nets an increased fitness and tactical element
  • Develop batting skills when tired
  • Practice concentration skills like switching on and off between balls
  • Test fitness during preseason
  • Practice running between the wickets
  • Integrate with other training tools like PitchVision

Each of the six BATEX scenarios is available from PitchVision Academy .

To get the sample scenario, all you need to do is enter your email in the box below and we will send you the link. (if you can't see the box, click here instead). Use it how you like (but don't resell it).

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Broadcast Your Cricket Matches!

Ever wanted your skills to be shown to the world? PV/MATCH is the revolutionary product for cricket clubs and schools to stream matches, upload HD highlights instantly to Twitter and Facebook and make you a hero!

PV/MATCH let's you score the game, record video of each ball, share it and use the outcomes to take to training and improve you further.

Click here for details.